Magical moments in charming premises
Thanks to its convenient location in Bratislava’s centre, the fact that the most popular marriage halls are within walking distance, and the unmatched charm of its wedding hall, Hotel Devín**** is the ideal place to celebrate your big day. The elegant interior with intricate details and sophisticated layout guarantees that your wedding photos will impress, and even guests with the highest expectations will be satisfied.
Experience your most beautiful day at the iconic Hotel Devín**** and leave everything to our professional wedding team.

+421 911 913 434

Tradition and professional approach
Not only thanks to the elegant surroundings and beautiful interior will be your wedding day like from a fairy tale. Experienced staff will ensure that you will not have to take care of anything during the wedding reception. They will gladly arrange any need or request of you and your guests. Our chef will take care of the best gastronomic experiences and our chef will bake you the most delicious tarts, desserts and cake.
You can choose from a variety of wedding packages that will satisfy even guests with the highest expectations or it will be our pleasure to compile a menu according to your individual requirements.

Wedding venues and ceremony
In Hotel Devín**** we have various premises for organizing a wedding reception or ceremony.
If you want either small or large wedding, our experienced wedding manager will guide you through the whole hotel and together you will choose the right place for your day “D”


How unique we are

- Exceptional location in the centre of Bratislava and beautiful interior of the historic building of Hotel Devín****
- Stylish and comfortably furnished rooms
- Spacious place with a touch of history and a superior terrace
- Combination of fun and relaxation in the Hotel Wellness Centre
- Festive menu compiled by our chef and his experienced team
- Smooth running of the entire wedding day from A to Z
- Parking in the hotel area

said about us
Aj touto cestou by som ešte raz takto poďakovala celému personálu Vášho hotela. Vrátane skvelého prístupu a ochoty od prvého kontaktu, až po záverečné “defilé” v kuchyni pri balení zákuskov a výslužiek, bolo všetko skvele zorganizované. Naozaj sme nemali s ničím problém. Naopak, celý personál prispel k tomu, že naša svadba bola pre nás všetkých nezabudnuteľným dňom. Viacerí hostia skonštatovali, že takúto úroveň obsluhy už dlho (na Slovensku špeciálne), nezažili. Priestor vyzeral ozaj čarovne.
Katarína & Vlado, 2015
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